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Binding was my second reason for buying a coverstitch machine. I wanted a professional home made look LOL and stretch that could take some kid-testing.

There are so many options to choose from. I guess whatever is under the pressure foot right now is a good place to start?

Double folded binding with the chain stitch

Double folded binding consists of 4 layers of binding fabric wrapping around the edge of part of a garment. When I work with knits, I prefer to attach the right side of a strip of ribbing or self-fabric to the wrong side of the garment. In the next step I turn over the binding, I fold the other edge and I top stitch.

In this first example I have chosen the chain stitch to bind a fleece pocket with ribbing. I have attached a 4,2 cm / 1 and 10/16 inch strip of ribbing with the right side to the wrong side of the pocket. I am using regular polyester sewing thread in the needle and the looper and a needle ELx705 SUK 90/14. A layer of fleece fabric plus a layer of ribbing require a higher differential setting to make sure that the heavier fabrics are moving well. I am stitching at +/- 7mm / 5/16 inch from the edge to attach the ribbing.


Needle 4

Looper 1.5

Stitch length 2.75

Differential 1.5

Then I turn over the ribbing to the right side and fold it so that the part of the ribbing on the right side is slightly wider than the ribbing on the wrong side. This way the chain is covered by the binding and in this case I chose to fold it so that the white stripe would end up in the centre of the binding.

And this is what the finished pocket binding looks like.

Binding with the chain stitch works well when there is no need for maximum stretch: on pockets, T-shirts with wide necklines, armholes etc. If your children want to try and fit their knees into their pockets, I recommend a 2 needle coverstitch. :-D

Binding a V-neckline

Here I am showing how to use the Coverstitch machine to do both; attaching AND top-stitching the binding. I might also attach the binding with my serger or even with my sewing machine but I prefer to work with one needle and the chain stitch because this allows me to create a neat turn at the point of the V and use the differential to deal with the stretch in the fabric and the binding.

I sew one shoulder seam, press the seam towards the back and snip the V +/- 7mm / 1/4“.

Then I cut a piece of binding, in this case a strip of cotton lycra knit, 4cm wide. I attach the binding with the chain stitch using the centre needle, polyester all purpose sewing thread in the needle, woolly nylon in the looper and I sew at approx. 8 to 9 millimeters or 5/16” from the edge.

SETTINGS for the Babylock CoverStitch

Needle 4

Looper 0.25

Stitch length 2.75

Differential 1.3

I try to go slowly when getting near the turning point, turning the wheel by hand if necessary. With the needle at its lowest position, I raise the pressure foot, I turn the fabric aligning the binding to the second part of the V-neck and I lower the pressure foot to finish sewing the binding.

This is what the wrong side of the point looks like after attaching the binding.

Next I add the left needle. I thread it with similar pes thread, fold over the binding and top stitch close to the left edge of the binding with a 2 needle narrow coverstitch.

Since I deliberately cut the binding strip too wide, I use appliqué or pelican cissors to trim the binding. Sometimes I choose the width of the binding so that it will just be covered by the looper thread. The advantage of cutting it slightly larger, is that this will often improve the feeding of very stretchy fabrics.

THIS IS THE IMPORTANT part about the V-neck. To get that point to look really neat and flat without folds or ugly wrinkles, I fold the front along the centre right sides together. I sew the point of the V on my sewing machine, putting a piece of tear away stabilizer underneath and making sure that my stitching does NOT GO BEYOND the thread of the left coverstitch needle (see pin).

In the next image you will see the V stitched in grey.

I remove the tear away stabilizer and voilà that is what the V looks like. Notice how it lies flat along the red marks? This is why I should NOT stitch beyond that left needle thread.

And here I am pinching the V to show what it would look like if I would go beyond the left needle thread.

Then I close the second shoulder seam, first securing the starting point with my sewing machine to make sure both sides align nicely. I overlock the seam and top stitch with a few stitches to secure.

This is what the point looks on the wrong side. That little nub can be left or snipped and secured with a few stitches.

And here is the finished neckline.

Another mystery solved! 8-)

binding.1433106942.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/31 23:15 by hilde_beerens